Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple braided cord is not easily broken."

Women woven together through Christ to encourage one another, offer acceptance, and honor the spirit filled life. 
Women Connected Meeting Women Connected meets every third Thursday of the month - anyone is invited to meet as they discuss projects and future events.

Women Connected because that is what we do. Women of ALL ages inside and outside of our building to connect, to be sisters in Christ and be a part of the family of God.  Each year we look at ways to provide connection points, ways that will bring us closer together as a family of believers but also giving an outlet for fun, safe conversation, learning, and growing.

We have our monthly meeting on the 3rd Thursday of each month held at the church at 6:30 p.m.

  • Spring planning brunch
  • Quarterly Brunches
  • Bible studies
  • Summer picnic in the park
  • Fall retreat

Women's Ministry Team 
Anita Poortinga-lead
Carla Boyd
Misi Cate
Pat Waunch
Cindi Shaw

Ladies monthly book club

Every Third Monday of the Month at 10:30 am, ladies gather together and discuss a book selected the month earlier.  Watch here for the next months book and plan now to join us!  

Join others in November as we discuss the book - Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield.  If you would like to check out a book, Misi Cate has some copies available from the Library.  Contact the church office for more information.

Once Upon a River...A richly imagined, powerful new novel about the wrenching disappearance of three little girls and the wide-reaching effect it has on their small town.

reflecting on Women's retreat 2024 

We had a wonderful time at Women's Retreat '24.  Unburdened was the theme.  Pastor Valerie White shared some amazing thoughts on ways to "unburden" our lives.  

We hope you will join us next year!  Lazy F Ranch was a beautiful setting with a lot of options including:  Archery, Hikes, Crafts, Quiet time by the creek, laughter around the firepit and so much  more!  

Thank you to the ladies that planned the weekend!  

Upcoming activities:

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.

Unburdened retreat registration

Please rank each of the following activities based on your preference for a Saturday afternoon activity 1-4: archery, climbing tower, ziplining, none of the above

(Make checks payable to “Wenatchee Church of the Nazarene” and put “Women's Retreat” in the memo.)

Health & Wellness questions

Help us provide the best care for you, as well as provide a safe retreat experience for everyone by answering the following questions with the most accurate information on your health

In the spirit of well-being and general health, all participants agree to screen themselves for any health concerns or symptoms for the benefit of the individual and the retreat as a whole. Participants are responsible for their health. In the event a participant is not able to attend the retreat due to health concerns, a refund will be provided per the discretion of the Retreat Coordinator. In consideration of her participation at the retreat, the undersigned acknowledges and agrees to and declares the following:*

Releases & Permissions

I hereby give my permission to participate in the following described program, tour, event, or trip sponsored by the Wenatchee Church of the Nazarene, Wenatchee, Washington: Women Connected Women's Retreat. The undersigned does hereby release, indemnify, and save Wenatchee Church of the Nazarene, Wenatchee, Washington, its agents, employees, elders, ministers, staff and members, of and from any and all liability or responsibility in connection with any loss or damage sustained by the herein named Participant, including, but not limited to accident, bodily injury, death or property damage, as a consequence of or resulting or arising from or in any manner growing out of any act, omission, or negligence of Wenatchee Church of the Nazarene, Wenatchee, Washington, its agents, employees, elders, ministers, staff, and members in connection with the herein designated program, tour, event or trip. The undersigned does further authorize Wenatchee Church of the Nazarene, Wenatchee, Washington, its agents, employees, elders, ministers, staff and members, to provide or cause to be provided any and all medical attention or treatment as may, in the discretion of Wenatchee Church of the Nazarene, Wenatchee, Washington, its agents, employees, elders, ministers, staff and members, be necessary or advisable, to the participant herein named, while such participant is participating in the herein designated event and further indemnifies and holds harmless Wenatchee Church of the Nazarene, Wenatchee, Washington, its agents, employees, elders, ministers, staff and members, of and from any liability resulting from any medical malpractice claim made in connection with the furnishing of such medical attention and/or treatment.
In consideration of Lazy F Camp and Retreat Center, I for myself, forever waive, release and discharge Tall Timber Ranch (and its parent corporation) from any/all injuries, claims, disputes, liabilities, or actions resulting from Tall Timber Ranch providing services for me and for my benefit regardless of location for the dates identified above, except for injury or damage arising out of Tall Timber Ranch’s negligence or willful misconduct. I attest and verify that I have full knowledge of the risks and dangers involved; that I assume such risks, and that I will assume and pay my own medical and emergency expenses, in the event of an accident, illness or other incapacity, regardless of whether I have authorized such expenses. Any controversy arising out of, connected to, or relating to any matters herein of the transactions between me and the above named parties or on behalf of the minor child named below, of this Release/Waiver, or the breach thereof, including, but not limited to any claims of violations of Federal and/or State Law, as well as any common law claims shall be settled by arbitration through Christian Conciliation Services; and in accordance with this paragraph a judgment based upon the arbitrator's award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof in accordance with the provisions of R.C.W. 7.04. This agreement shall be construed and interpreted under the laws of the State of Washington. I HAVE READ THIS WAIVER AND RELEASE CAREFULLY, AND UNDERSTAND IT.